The last few days here in Chicago we have been...well...buried. There is snow everywhere and some of it piled 6 feet or more in the air. The city has to hire trucks to remove it. They say it's the worst snow storm here since 1967. I know for sure it's the worst I've personally seen.
I have had some crazy urges to run and jump into some of the big piles of snow but my adult brain took over reminding me how wet, cold and miserable I'd be. One of the little girls who live next door to me was so restrained. I let the dog out in the back yard only to find a big hole in a pile of snow near the fence separating our yards and one set of footprints leading out of our gate. I only wish I had actually seen her jump off of their deck, over the 6 foot wooden fence into the snow pile in our yard. That is a picture I wish I had gotten!
My pup Maggie has hated this and I can't blame her. I know I wouldn't want to use the bathroom out there either. It's cold!
So in the spirit of big snow and that "I can't wait for summer" attitude most Chicagoans are feeling right now, I'm having a contest! Post a photo of your pup (or cat or any pet) loving or hating the snow. The winner will receive a summertime pet photo session on a beach or other fun location and an 11x14 print (value of $240).

To enter, please post your favorite snowy photo and brief description on the
Tails of Love facebook page.
This contest is open to anyone in Chicago or Carbondale, IL (or a 30 mile radius of either) or willing to travel to one of those locations for the shoot. This is a pet photography session, but as with all my sessions human family member are welcome in some of the photos.
The deadline to enter is February 19, 2011 and the winner will be chosen by the most likes (so tell you friends to like your photos!).
If you have any questions about the contest please contact me the
Tails of Love facebook page or
Hugs & Wags, Jess